Gitkraken error to push


Viewed 224 times


Man Gitkraken was working properly, however, since yesterday nay can do the push and at all times that mistake happens:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Any idea what it is?

  • Did you download Git via HTTP? Is it a private repository? Can you give more details? Can’t be sure if it’s a BUG or if it’s a problem in some repository.

1 answer


This error is not necessarily connected to Git.

It occurred that when accessing the Git repository address, the server returned the error to you HTTP 308 (308 Permanent Redirect). If we were to take literally the meaning of this 308 code, it occurs that some server address has changed permanently to another address.

Most browsers handle this well and transparently for the user, as it is expected that with this error a header will be provided Location in Sponse, with the new address at which the browser will know where to send the request.

However, I think that Gitkraken did not know how to make this redirect to you and is accusing this error. See if there are any bugs reported to Gitkraken about this and check the address of your Git repository, confirming that there has been no change in this direction.

  • Dear Dherik I agree with you about the HTTP explanation, but that doesn’t solve the problem itself, it may be some service that this communicating, it has GIT that uses HTTP as well, so the problem can’t even be in Gitkraken, it can be in a private repository, there’s no way to be sure how the question this, I think it’s a little early for answers yet, it would be better to ask AP details first.

  • @Guilhermenascimento, I mentioned at the end that it may be some change of address of the repository server. I have no idea what could be more than this.

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