- I have a Master report that has two "Detail Band", with a defined height, which should not be modified.
- My Sub-report also has a "Detail Band", with a Jrbeancollectiondatasource, the parameters are being passed without major problems, HOWEVER, paging is not being done as I would like.
- I need you to stay TWO ways on the same page, as a lefty, when there are few items works, but there are cases where they can have up to 200 items, and they need to be paged, keeping the height fixed.
- At the moment, when there are many items, it simply shows continuously. I tried several combinations with Stretch and No Stretch, Band’s Split Type, I couldn’t really come up with a solution.
- I was able to do a Minimum Verifiable Example as Stackoverflow recommends... follow the repository link - https://github.com/Sibelly/jasper-subrelatorios
And if you determined a Detail band only that I had the size of half sheet A4, since the two are equal automatically it would put two on a sheet
– R.Santos
So, I remember I tried at the time, but the Tail band didn’t get the truncated height you know.
– sibS