Show grouped partial files


Viewed 32 times


I’m creating a partial class, and I’d like to implement some validations in another partial class, just to separate the methods.

I know that this is possible, but I would like to join these two sources, that would be possible?

For example:

Where is the source of RepositorioPais, would like to create a class RepositorioPais.Validacao and attach the two together, the same is done in the forms created by C#. See image 2.

Imagem 1


Imagem 2

  • This extension for Visual Studio does this automatically, no manual editing required:

1 answer


Just editing manually the file . csproj.

If you’re willing to do this, here are the steps.

  1. Close the project in Visual Studio

  2. Open the file . csproj with any text editor

  3. Look for this (note that they will not necessarily be below each other)

    <Compile Include="RepositorioPais.cs" />
    <Compile Include="RepositorioPais.Validacao.cs" />
  4. Change these two items to

    <Compile Include="RepositorioPais.cs" />
    <Compile Include="RepositorioPais.Validacao.cs">
  5. Reopens the project

  • worked well friend, but I know that there is a way to accomplish this via the application of visual studio, only that I do not remember the name of the component, know of some ?

  • You have this one:

  • Wonderful, it was the same one that needed, but had not been able to find in the Nuget. thanks really.!

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