How to KEEP only what was filtered in Angularjs?


Viewed 45 times


I have the following Angularjs file:

    angular.module('meuModulo', [])

        .controller('mercadoriaCarrinho', function($scope, $http) {
            var ctrl = this;
            $scope.listademercadoria = [];
            $scope.listaDoCarrinho = [];
            $scope.listo = [];
            $scope.showPanel = true;
            $ = 1;
            $scope.moeda = null;

            $scope.mercadoria0 = {
                id: 'id1',
                setor: 'alimento',
                foto: 'foto1',
                descr: 'descr1',
                de: de1,
                por: por1,
                mercadoria: '0',
                quantidade: 0,
                total: 5

           $scope.mercadoria1 = {
                id: 'id2',
                setor: 'sobremesa',
                foto: 'foto2',
                descr: 'descr2',
                de: de2,
                por: por2,
                mercadoria: '0',
                quantidade: 0,
                total: 5

            $scope.filtrarSetor = function(zSetor) {
                $scope.listaMercadoriaNova = $scope.listademercadoria.filter(
                    function(mercadoria) {
                        return mercadoria.setor != zSetor;

                $scope.listademercadoria = $scope.listaMercadoriaNova;

HTML code:

<div class="body" ng-controller="mercadoriaCarrinho">
    <ul class="kbtg-departamentos-menu" role="toolbar">
        <li><span>Página inicial</span></li>
        <li ng-click="filtrarSetor('alimento'); "><span>Alimentos</span></li>
        <li ng-click="filtrarSetor('sobremesa'); "><span>Sobremesas</span></li>

<div ng-repeat = "mercadoria in listademercadoria" class="swiper-slide">


The problem is that it excludes all filtered items, and I need to KEEP only filtered items.

Does anyone have any idea how to do?

I’ve tried to reverse the equality signs, use the ". pop", $scope.listademercadoria = $scope.listademercadoria - $scope.listaMercadoriaNova;, etc....

Note: ng-repeat and other Angularjs functions are working normally.

  • 1

    You need to be clearer. It has how to create a [mcve]?

  • Thanks for the comment. I made changes, I believe this way gives to visualize well the problem...

1 answer


You are ordering to display all items different from the amount you received.

Change this line:

return mercadoria.setor != zSetor;


return mercadoria.setor === zSetor;

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