The record is not found in the database when the user logs in


Viewed 27 times


I am trying to verify the existence of a user in the database when it performs the login. The user and password are already created in the database, but even then the check only enters the else.

logging in.php


$usuario = $_POST['usuario'];
$senha = $_POST['senha'];

$result = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM `usuarios` WHERE `usuario` = '$usuario' AND `senha`= '$senha'");

if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0 )
$_SESSION['usuario'] = $usuario;
$_SESSION['senha'] = $senha;
    unset ($_SESSION['usuario']);
    unset ($_SESSION['senha']);





<form class="login-form" name="loginform" method="post" action="logando.php">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Usuário" name="usuario" required=""/>
    <input type="password" placeholder="Senha" name="senha" required=""/>
    <button type="submit">ENTRAR</button>
    <p class="message"> Desenvolvido por: Marcos A. Massini</p>

<p class="text-center text-danger">
        if(isset($_SESSION['loginErro'])) {
            echo $_SESSION['loginErro'];

php connection.

  $servidor = "localhost";
  $usuario = "root";
  $senha = "";
  $dbname = "cadastro";

  $conn = Mysqli_connect($servidor, $usuario, $senha, $dbname) or print (mysql_error());

  if(!Mysqli_connect($servidor, $usuario, $senha)) {
    echo "Error ao conectar";
  • You are encrypting passwords when registering in the database ?

  • No no, the password is normal, login: free password: free, nothing encrypted.

  • Your database connection is working ?

  • Yes, the registration is working normally with this connection.

  • Before the condition if .. else makes a print_r($result); or var_dump($result); to know if something is returning.

  • Oops, I got it. I put it this way:

  • $result = "SELECT * FROM usersWHEREuser= '$usuario' ANDpassword= '$senha'";&#xA;$resultado = mysqli_query($conn, $result); Não sei como faz pra ficar em formato de codigo...

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1 answer


I believe the problem is occurring because you are not passing the appropriate parameters.

According to the documentation php, the mysqli_query() asks for 2 arguments:

  1. mysqli link - The link to the connection.

  2. string query - The query you want to run.

With this, try to execute your query by also passing the link:

mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM `usuarios` WHERE `usuario` = '$usuario' AND `senha`= '$senha'");

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