How to create a popup that keeps blinking on the screen?


Viewed 1,557 times


I created a popup, but now the client wants it to blink until it is closed. Just stating that it is a JPEG image that opens on the screen.

  • 1

    Ezekiel, I invite you to do the [tour] to learn how the site works and read the [Ask] guide. Please improve your question by adding the HTML code for the used pop-up and preferably create a [mcve].

3 answers


The infograph below shows how much the use of this technique to draw attention is elegant, pleasurable, and recommended in papers writings on user experience and interface design:

Satan Mouse

If you have already negotiated your immortal soul with Satan and see no problem moving forward, you have two ways to proceed:

Cursed form 1:

This form only works if the popup is in the same domain as the tab or window that opens it. On the main page, use the following code:

var janelaParaOInferno =;
setInterval(function () { janelaParaOInferno.focus() }, 300);

Damn form 2:

In the popup, include the following code:

var LuciferEhMeuSenhor = function () {

setInterval(LuciferEhMeuSenhor, 300);

Warning to the acolytes

The angels of good have worked so that gambiarras like these are not able to affect the innocent. They haven’t worked in Chrome for years, for example. These evil things will only work in the environment of companies that do not allow their employees to use modern browsers and operating systems. If your employer chains the tortured souls to IE8, go ahead... otherwise you are abandoned to your own fate.

  • 5

    +666 Excellent.

  • 7

    +1 I recommend using Comicsans font to earn extra points with the Dark Lord.

  • 2

    To complement, put an 'Alert' shot with 'onbeforeunload' inside this open window to make sure you want to leave the page.


With the code below you get a Javascript effect that makes the element look like it is blinking:

var piscando = document.getElementById('id_do_elemento');
var interval = window.setInterval(function(){
    if( == 'hidden'){ = 'visible';
    }else{ = 'hidden';
}, 700);

var piscando = document.getElementById('id_do_elemento');
var interval = window.setInterval(function(){
    if( == 'hidden'){ = 'visible';
    }else{ = 'hidden';
}, 700);
<img id="id_do_elemento" height="100" src="" />

  • Excuse my ignorance, but as I do not understand much of javascript where I use this code? in a file . js or between <script type="text/javascript"> </script>

  • @Ezequielsoares You put the code in the function that opens the popup.


A very simple way and open an animated GIF instead of Jpeg. You can create with some apps, or even on some websites. Example:

If you prefer, you can create a javascript function to change the image or background color. As in the following example.

setInterval(function(){blink()}, 1000);

function blink() {
        $("#box").fadeTo(100, 0.1).fadeTo(200, 1.0);
#boxOfTheHell {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="boxOfTheHell">
  Exemplo pisca pisca.

  • I have this: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="popup/css/popup.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="popup/js/popup.js"></script>

  • window.onload = Function() { // open a Welcome message as soon as the window loads{ content: '<div align="center"><a onclick="Shadowbox.close()"><iframe allowtransparency="true" width="510" height="500" frameborder="0" src="acesse.html" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe></a></div>', player: "html", title: "", : 500, width: 510 }); }; </script>

  • If it’s easier? How can I create a gif that the image erases and lights


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