How to search data from a table using other reference?


Viewed 879 times


I’ll give you a simple example...

I have a table 'products' that has in the columns, id, product name, value. I have another table 'users' columns, id, name. And another table 'buysdosusuarios' id, id_user, id_produtos, nomedoproduto, this third table is generated from these first two... until then OK.

I want to search in the table 'products' all items except the items that have 'id_user'(from the shopping table)= 1 for ex

id          nomedoproduto, valor
1           Roupa           100 
2           Telefone         500
3           Geladeira        1500
4           TV              1000
5           Microondas      300
6           Sofá            600

id nome
1 José
2 Felipe

Compras dos usuários
id   id_user id_produtos produtos
1       1         1       Roupa
2       1         2       Telefone
3       1         3       Geladeira
4       2         1        Roupa

Well... if the user has already bought... I want it not to appear on the list anymore. how do I use this with select?

  • You want all products that have not yet been purchased by anyone. That?

  • @Daneven use Join to select two tables or more..

  • I recommend reading: Not IN or Not EXISTS which to use?

  • No, actually per user

1 answer


Use the clause EXISTS together with NOT:

  FROM produtos p
                    FROM comprasdosusuarios cdu
                   WHERE cdu.id_produtos =
                     AND cdu.id_user = 1)
   AND p.nomedoproduto LIKE '%roupa%'

Subqueries with EXISTS or NOT EXISTS

If a subquery Returns any Rows at all, EXISTS subquery is TRUE, and NOT EXISTS subquery is FALSE

Or in free translation:

If the subquery returns any line, EXISTS will BE TRUE, and NOT EXISTS will BE FALSE

  • Thank you! It worked!

  • Just one more question! for me it is a bit complex this code... then , as it would join with a "filters".... products = 'clothes' or products = 'TV' ??

  • @Daneven put a WHERE further to exemplify the filter

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