SQL Server Doubt 2012 - Query


Viewed 68 times


I am having a hard time. In the consultation below, you are bringing in this way.

Tarefa_Inclusao      Tarefa
167909               167920
SELECT TarIDInclusao [Tarefa_Inclusao],tarid [Tarefa] FROM Tarefa WHERE TarID = 167920. 

This consultation is another task. What I want is the following: I want that in the above query, perform a manipulation so that the field tarefa_inclusao instead of coming 167909, come equal 167907 of the below query.

Tarefa_Inclusao      Tarefa
167907               167909
SELECT TarIDInclusao [Tarefa_Inclusao],tarid [Tarefa] FROM Tarefa WHERE TarID = 167909
  • You want the task "mother" of all from the one you put on WHERE. Is that it? The primary task has what in the column tarefa_inclusao?

  • 1

    That’s right @Sorack. It is like this: The mother task is this: 167907, the others like 167909,167920 are daughters, that is, the tarefa_inclusion of daughters is precisely the mother task that in this case is the 167907.

1 answer


Use a recursive search to find the primordial record for the desired task:

WITH historico AS (
  SELECT t.taridinclusao AS tarefa_inclusao,
         t.tarid AS tarefa,
         1 AS nivel
    FROM tarefa t
   WHERE t.tarid = 167920
  SELECT t.taridinclusao AS tarefa_inclusao,
         h.tarid AS tarefa, -- Pega do historico para garantir que o primeiro valor será mostrado
         h.nivel + 1 AS nivel
    FROM historico h
         INNER JOIN tarefa t ON t.tarid = h.taridinclusao
   WHERE h.taridinclusao IS NOT NULL
  FROM historico h
 ORDER BY h.nivel DESC

The first SELECT within the WITH will define the anchorage of the records, ie the record from which we start, in this case the task from which we have the number. After that, we will always reference the historico to verify the record taridinclusao concerning him.


A CTE (common table expression) provides the significant advantage of being able to self-reference, thus creating a recursive CTE. A recursive CTE is one in which an initial CTE is run repeatedly to return subsets of data until the complete result is obtained.

  • I took this query and came this way Tarefa_inclusion Level Task Null 167907 3 However, it was to come this way Tarefa_inclusion Level Task 167907 167920 3

  • @Renanbessa so I asked how was the last record in my comment in your question. I will edit to match this new information.

  • @Renanbessa changed. Please check.

  • still came the same way. Tarefa_inclusion Task 167909 167920 Was to come: Tarefa_inclusion Task 167907 167920

  • @Renanbessa corrected

  • The person responsible for downvote can explain what is incorrect in the answer? Only the downvote without explanation ends up being useless.

  • 1

    you are too much beast. Very much obg for your help. Hugs.

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