Image mapping


Viewed 65 times


I was mapping an image with the map tag and it’s not working. the Code is right?

<div class="botao_comprar">
    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/textos/como_funciona/5/' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/leilao/Curso-Profissionalizante-de-Telemarketing-EAD-leilao-de-centavos/459/'):
      echo '<img src="../../../img/site/botaolances.jpg"  usemap="#mapa-botao"/>';
      echo '<img src="../img/site/botaolances.jpg" usemap="#mapa-botao"/>';
  <map name="mapa-botao">
    <area shape = “rect” coords = “8, 158, 213, 183” href=”” target="_blank"/>
  • 1

    Note the quotation marks that are not correct quotation marks, these and that they should be ". These general rules are placed by editors other than development, Word type and the like

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