Good night,
I need to bring the full subquery result:
(select (valor * 0.05) from tbl_exames) as 'Valor dos Exames',
In a delimiter:
delimiter //
create procedure comissao(idmedico int)
select nome_medico as 'Médico',
(select (valor * 0.05) from tbl_exames) as 'Valor dos Exames',
(select sum(valor * 0.05) from tbl_exames) as 'Valor Total das Comissões'
from tbl_medico where id_medico = idmedico;
end //
delimiter ;
Where error: Error Code: 1242. Subquery Returns more than 1 Row.
It will list all the values of the tests being 5% of her.
I’d like him to appear as follows:
Doctor - name
Examinations Value - value1, value2, value3, etc..
Total Commission Value - Sum of the above values
It would be so, but next to what I expected:
delimiter //
create procedure comissao(idmedico int)
select nome_medico as 'Médico',
(select sum(valor * 0.05) from tbl_exames) as 'Valor Total das Comissões'
from tbl_medico where id_medico = idmedico union
select tipo as 'Exame', (valor * 0.05) as 'Valor da Comissão' from
end //
delimiter ;
I made a change to the answer.
– Wictor Chaves