How to reference the variable within HTML through Angularjs?


Viewed 904 times


Inside an ng-controller, I want a variable to appear, and it is not appearing. HTML code:

<div class="body" ng-controller="mercadoriaCarrinho as merc">
<span>Total dos produtos: {{}}</span> 

angularjs code:

<script> angular.module('meumodulo',[])

.controller('mercadoriaCarrinho', function ($rootScope, $http){
$rootScope.mercadoria = {
	id: 'id',
	setor: 'setor',
	foto: 'foto',
	descr: 'descr',
	de: de,
	por: por,
	mercadoria: '0',
	quantidade: 0,
	total: '5',
	boto: -1


  • Friend, an observation: In the last line you declared . push($rootScope.mercadoria0); but two variable is rootScope merchandise..

  • Thanks for the warning, it was a typo. It’s $rootScope.mercadoria0 and I’m not getting it anyway...

  • 1

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2 answers


The problem is that you are using the $rootScope in the html. The ideal is not to use $rootScope and yes the this to share data with view. You’re also using the push in the array, therefore you cannot access your variable by name, but by a position. Change your controller to the following:

  .controller('MercadoriaCarrinhoController', MercadoriaCarrinhoController);

MercadoriaCarrinhoController.$inject = ['$http'];

function MercadoriaCarrinhoController($http){
  var vm = this;

  vm.listaDoCarrinho = {};

  function _iniciar() {
    var mercadoria = {
      id: 'id',
      setor: 'setor',
      foto: 'foto',
      descr: 'descr',
      de: de,
      por: por,
      mercadoria: '0',
      quantidade: 0,
      total: '5',
      boto: -1

    vm.listaDoCarrinho.mercadoria = mercadoria;

And the div in his html:

<div class="body" ng-controller="MercadoriaCarrinhoController as vm">
  <span>Total dos produtos: {{}}</span> 

If you want to keep implementing by array change its implementation to the following:

  .controller('MercadoriaCarrinhoController', MercadoriaCarrinhoController);

MercadoriaCarrinhoController.$inject = ['$http'];

function MercadoriaCarrinhoController($http){
  var vm = this;

  vm.listaDoCarrinho = [];

  function _iniciar() {
    var mercadoria = {
      id: 'id',
      setor: 'setor',
      foto: 'foto',
      descr: 'descr',
      de: de,
      por: por,
      mercadoria: '0',
      quantidade: 0,
      total: '5',
      boto: -1


And the div in his html:

<div class="body" ng-controller="MercadoriaCarrinhoController as vm">
  <span>Total dos produtos: {{vm.listaDoCarrinho[0].total}}</span> 

Use the vm only for the variables you need printed on the screen, otherwise use var.


Buddy, when you push your variable like this:


in order to display the full form of access;


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