"Search refused" in Registro.br


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I’m trying to direct my domain to the nameservers I just set up on Amazon’s Route53 AWS. They work correctly, but I believe they are not responding for other domains besides the root (oregionalsul.com).

To check the authority on a given domain, I’m using a tool of Registro.br itself.

Configuration of the nameserver

See that I have four main nameservers:

  • ns1.oregionalsul.com
  • ns2.oregionalsul.com
  • ns3.oregionalsul.com
  • ns4.oregionalsul.com

DNS configuration of the tiagoboeing.com.br domain on WHM

Note that this is another area that has no link with the root (oregionalsul.com)

To better understand, see the current configuration:

  • EC2 instance (with WHM and Cpanel installed)
  • Route53 of the EC2 root domain (oregionalsul.com) - here the configuration of the proper nameservers is made.
  • The account of any other domain is created by WHM, the own nameservers configured in Route53 must account for what is being hosted.
  • Hosting reseller setup standard, but in this case it is not for resale.

  • 1

    Did you edit the DNS of the.br record? Your DNS is pointing to e.sec.dns.br and f.sec.dns.br .

  • 1

    If you are using Route 53 you have already missed.... when you create a domain on Route 53 it generates 4 DNS from the Amazon itself. This DNS you must put on record.br

  • 1

    By what I saw you changed your NS and changed the DNS of Amazon to record A pointing to different domains. This totally escapes logic in my understanding. You should keep the Amazon NS as the same NS record and set them in the.br record..

  • Friend, actually Route53 it is related to the main domain. It is the way to host domains to an ec2 on Amazon. I have a server running WHM and Cpanel and through it I create the accounts I need, so Route53 makes the Whitelabel configuration, recommended by Amazon itself, which would be ns1.meudominio.com, ns2, ns3...

  • In the case as you mentioned, I cannot use the nameservers provided by Amazon in Route53, because they refer to the root domain. This way I would have to create a hosted zone for each domain that I will use in the WHM, generating unnecessary and excessive costs. I even tried to use the NS generated in the.br record, but the query also returns as refused.

  • This is the Amazon documentation that addresses the recommendation to use Whitelabel, own nameservers: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/pt_br/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/white-label-name-servers.html - Maybe it wasn’t clear, so I edited my question in more detail.

  • 2

    The records you made for Amazon’s us are no use ns-1914.awsdns-47.co.uk A I believe that the problem is happening in the.br record itself, you should put the NS there. ns1.oregionalsul.com and so on.

  • Boot TYPE for the value C on Ips initiated in 205...* (Just one detail )

  • You say that on the Route53 or WHM panel?

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2 answers


Opa also had this research problem refused! What I did first I edited the la zone on the record.br and put according to what I had registered there on aws! Then I migrated the DNS to use the servers of the register itself.br and after allowing me to change the dns again I went there on Route53 erased everything and created again! With the new links (Generated in Route53) I changed in the.br record and worked normally!

  • Have you described your solution for a domain or authoritarian domain, commonly used in resale? E.g.: A root domain accounts for the other "children". At the time I managed to solve the problem, but I put aside AWS and migrated to another service.


You must create the zone in AWS Route53 as public, if you are as private it will give this error in the.br record.

  • The question is old, I can no longer perform tests because I ended up implementing the private cloud in another way, but as I remember it was as private as this. As soon as I get the chance I’ll test it again.

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