Automatic Breadcrumbs


Viewed 75 times


How to implement Readcrumbs in php so that they are automatic? Do you have a library that does this? I’ve thought of some ways to do it, but they’re all hideous gambits that I won’t even post here.

I’ve searched the other related topics but none helped me, If anyone can give me an idea how to do, I’m very grateful.

  • What do you mean "automatic"?

  • Let’s say I’m on the home page, then I go to the administrating users page and then to add users. Wanted the path to be generated like this: Home > Manage users > Add users

  • I say automatico because I wanted that no matter which page of the site I am on, it manages the way I did to get there

  • 1

    And how will the system identify which are the intermediate pages? Do the system Urls follow a defined and constant pattern? Do you have a map of Urls that the system will be based on? And considering that such information can be extracted from the URL, what will be the relationship between the URL and the label to be displayed on breadcrumb? There is a lot open in your question, and it is impossible to answer it the way it is, so I will vote to close as insufficiently clear. If there is an issue improving the question, I will reconsider the vote.

  • I tried to make a url map and I guess I’m not sure how to do, would you have some example of how to do or where I can find?

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