Doubt in the printing of results


Viewed 71 times


The exercise asks me to print, in a file, all possible paths between n cities, where the end is always the starting point and each city is represented as coordinates (x,y). That first part I managed to do, resulting in the following file:

(1,10)  (4,4)   (5,1)   (2,0)   (1,10)
(1,10)  (4,4)   (2,0)   (5,1)   (1,10)
(1,10)  (5,1)   (4,4)   (2,0)   (1,10)
(1,10)  (5,1)   (2,0)   (4,4)   (1,10)
(1,10)  (2,0)   (5,1)   (4,4)   (1,10)
(1,10)  (2,0)   (4,4)   (5,1)   (1,10)
(4,4)   (1,10)  (5,1)   (2,0)   (4,4)
(4,4)   (1,10)  (2,0)   (5,1)   (4,4)
(4,4)   (5,1)   (1,10)  (2,0)   (4,4)
(4,4)   (5,1)   (2,0)   (1,10)  (4,4)
(4,4)   (2,0)   (5,1)   (1,10)  (4,4)
(4,4)   (2,0)   (1,10)  (5,1)   (4,4)
(5,1)   (4,4)   (1,10)  (2,0)   (5,1)
(5,1)   (4,4)   (2,0)   (1,10)  (5,1)
(5,1)   (1,10)  (4,4)   (2,0)   (5,1)
(5,1)   (1,10)  (2,0)   (4,4)   (5,1)
(5,1)   (2,0)   (1,10)  (4,4)   (5,1)
(5,1)   (2,0)   (4,4)   (1,10)  (5,1)
(2,0)   (4,4)   (5,1)   (1,10)  (2,0)
(2,0)   (4,4)   (1,10)  (5,1)   (2,0)
(2,0)   (5,1)   (4,4)   (1,10)  (2,0)
(2,0)   (5,1)   (1,10)  (4,4)   (2,0)
(2,0)   (1,10)  (5,1)   (4,4)   (2,0)
(2,0)   (1,10)  (4,4)   (5,1)   (2,0)

Where 24 is the amount of possibilities.

After this first part of the exercise, I need to calculate the shortest possible path, that is, with the shortest distance, through the Euclidean distance formula, and print these paths, and I must do this for each different starting point (different initial cities). For this, I implemented the following functions:

float Distancia(Cidade cA, Cidade cB)
    int distanciaX = pow(cA.x - cB.x, 2);
    int distanciaY = pow(cA.y - cB.y, 2);
    float distancia = sqrt(distanciaX + distanciaY);
    return distancia;

float Distancias(Cidade *C, int numeroCidades)
    int i;
    float total = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < numeroCidades; i++)
        if(i == numeroCidades - 1)
            total = total + Distancia(C[i], C[0]);
            printf("Distancia: %f\n", Distancia(C[i], C[0]));
            total = total + Distancia(C[i], C[i+1]);
            printf("Distancia: %f\n", Distancia(C[i], C[i+1]));
    return printf("Distancia Total: %f\n\n", total);

I ask for the function Distancias print the results on the screen to help me initially, because in fact, you need to print them in another file. After these two functions, I used a permutation function (used in another exercise) to print all possible paths, shown above. The function is as follows:

void Troca(int *x, int *y)
    int aux;
    aux = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = aux;

void Permuta(FILE *saida, Cidade *C, int *sequencia, int inicio, int 
    int i, j;
    float distancias[TotalViagens(termino)];
    if(inicio == termino)
        for(i = 0; i < termino; i++)
            fprintf(saida, "(%d,%d)\t", C[sequencia[i]].x, 
            distancias[i] = Distancias(C, termino);
        fprintf(saida, "(%d,%d)\n", C[sequencia[0]].x, C[sequencia[0]].y);
        for(j = inicio; j < termino; j++)
            Troca((sequencia+inicio), (sequencia+j));
            Permuta(saida, C, sequencia, inicio+1, termino);
            Troca((sequencia+inicio), (sequencia+j));

Within that same function, I created the variable distancias to store the distance values of all possible trips (whereas the vector size TotalViagens(termino) is calculated by this function). So I put this vector distancias in the loop that goes from 0 the total number of cities which, in the function, is called termino. I got a little lost in the logic of the function, but I put it in this loop for the same reason that the loop print all possible paths, therefore, I imagine that, soon after printing a path, the variable distancias[i] will receive the value returned by the function Distancias. The result I have is the calculation of the same distance every time (96 times for the total of 4 cities and 24 possible paths). The way out is this::

Distancia: 6.708204
Distancia: 3.162278
Distancia: 3.162278
Distancia: 10.000000

That is, the same result is printed 96 times.

I would like to know why the total number of distances is multiplied by the number of cities (24x4) and the calculated possibilities are always the same.

  • Try looking over BFS (Breadth-first search), or search wide in English. I think it solves your problem without too much headache.

  • I did a little research on and I saw that BFS has to do with graphs, right? But in this implementation that I did, I didn’t implement anything from graph, just coordinate structure (x,y). My question is more about logic and why I’m printing all these 96 times

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