What is Pushnotification really?


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I’ve been wondering now about Pushnotification and if it really is what I want. To solve my problem I need to Pushnotification? See, what I want is this: When the user(seller) changes the flag of the database, it indicates that this seller is asking for a bigger discount than what he can grant. That way, who has this power does not stay in the stores, but in the headquarters and these people, will receive in their smartphone information to open the App and Approve/Deny this discount. I can say that this is by Pushnotification or there’s another way to do it?

  • Yeah, that’s the whole concept of push notification. The information is pushed into the app, the app doesn’t pull it

  • 1

    I’m having a lot of trouble implementing. It’s not working with me and I’ve already opened another post on the subject. I was in doubt and came here to ask if what I really want is Pushnotification or if there is another way to do it, @Jeffersonquesado.

  • Sorry for the words, but it’s really a hindrance to make a push notification. You are usually at the mercy of some third-party framework, such as Firebase that is described in the @acklay response

2 answers


Push translated from English, means push, boost[...]. Already Notification, is notification, communication, warning[...]. Joining the two words, we have as an example "boost notification". The main objective of the Push Notification is to shorten the path between the sender and the receiver

The purpose is not to traffic a large mass of data, but to send simple messages, for example, to warn that there is a new data to be downloaded from the server, or to show some kind of store promotion, system update, etc.

According to a survey by Urban Airship, daily use of an app increases by up to 540% with sending these notifications.

Nowadays using Push Notification has become much easier using the Firebase Cloud Messaging. See more details in the documentation. Here too in the documentation of Xamarin also has a Quickstart explaining and explaining how FCM works.

It is possible to create a solution to your problem through both the Push Notification how much Pull Notificationen. The difference is that Pull checks if there is any update on the server, while the Push will notify the user when there is any update. For your case maybe, say perhaps, the most viable way would be using the Push Notification, as it will avoid creating service for refresh check from time to time. The clearest way to use the Pull Notification is when you store some kind of data on smartphone, I say on the client side, where, through a particular analysis of local data, you make a request to the server in a manner directed to that client.

  • Note: by Firebase to run FCM on iOS the first time is a nuisance.

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    @Jeffersonquesado the problem is not even the coding, but the bureaucratic and closed system of Apple. Nowadays it is more quiet.

  • In fact I opened a post on the subject of Firebase that with me is not working, but this is another post. In this one, I just want to know if what I want is really Push or Pull, as explained by my colleague. I will read the link suggested by him and try to understand this subject.

  • @pnet complemented the answer. I’ll take a look at your other question to see what I can help you with. xD Good luck there.


Push Notification is a system of sending information to a customer without explicitly requesting it.

Unlike the Pull Notifications, where the client has to request the information from the server, the Push Notification originate from the server and are sent to clients without your request.

As an analogy, to better understand the difference between the two, a text is a Push Notification and an email is a Pull Notifications.

For more complete information, including how they work in general, see: Push Notifications Explained.

  • 1

    Excellent response. Great counterpoint with pulled/requested notifications

  • Ramaral, I am totally lost in what concerns this kind of thing. What I really want is to get my client the information, that there is a discount to grant or deny. I thought this kind of notification was by push, but as you’re telling me and I respect your opinion, in my case it would be a Pull Notification?

  • @pnet No, if I understood correctly, in this case it would be a Push Notification

  • @ramaral, my business is like this: Seller asks(change flag from 0 to 1) a discount that he can not grant, only managers who are not in stores. These managers some 7 or 8, will receive on their smarts. That’s push notification?. And how will my service communicate with the messaging server (Cloud Messaging)? This is my question and I think I will have to open another post to understand this, in case what I want is a Push really.

  • @pnet, this is a Push Notification. If you want to know how to implement ask another question. So that the question is not "broad" it would be better if you try to implement first. Use the documentation of the service you want to use.

  • @ramaral, I’ve even opened a post on the subject yes. Here is already answered. I will now try to solve my problem with the implementation here: https://answall.com/questions/240088/ao-registrar-myclasse-d%C3%A1-stick-with-o-m%C3%A9all-onappearing

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