Problems adding Foreign key to Mysql


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I’m having trouble defining the attribute anoAuto from the business table as a foreign key for cars.ano. Mysql always says "ERROR CODE: 1215. Cannot add Foreign key Constraint".

create table automoveis (
codigo int,
ano int,
fabricante varchar(20),
modelo varchar(20),
pais varchar(20),
precoTabela decimal(8, 2),
primary key (codigo, ano));

create table revendedoras (
cgc int,
nome varchar(30),
proprietário varchar(30),
cidade varchar(30),
estado varchar(30),
primary key(cgc));

create table consumidores (
identidade char(7),
nome varchar(30),
sobrenome varchar(30),
primary key(identidade));

create table negocios (
comprador char(7),
revenda int,
codAuto int,
anoAuto int,
data_compra date,
preco decimal(8,2),
primary key (comprador, revenda, codAuto, anoAuto),
foreign key (comprador) references consumidores(identidade),
foreign key (revenda) references revendedoras(cgc),
foreign key (codAuto) references automoveis(codigo),
foreign key (anoAuto) references automoveis(ano));
  • You are setting the table PK deals also as FK, can not.

  • This was already an attempt to make it work, with or without the "Primary key (buyer, resale, codAuto, anoAuto)" of the same error. And the error is only in the anoAuto, except it works normally.

3 answers


In the car would add the plate as data uniqueness.

create table automoveis (
  placa char(7),
  codigo int,
  ano int,
  fabricante varchar(20),
  modelo varchar(20),
  pais varchar(20),
  precoTabela decimal(8, 2),
  primary key (placa),
  unique index (codigo, ano)

In business an id for it, and a unique index to avoid combination duplicity.

create table negocios (
  id int auto_increment,
  comprador char(7),
  revenda int,
  automovel char(7),
  data_compra date,
  preco decimal(8,2),
  primary key (id),
  foreign key (comprador) references revendedoras(identidade),
  foreign key (revenda) references revendedoras (cgc),
  foreign key (automovel) references automoveis (placa),
  unique index (comprador, revenda, automovel)

I hope it helps something...


Ever tried to add a constraint?

Constraints are basically rules you put in a table, like Primary Key, Unique, Foreign Key, etc..
The syntax for foreign key would be something like:

alter table tabela add constraint nome_da_constraint foreign key(nome_do_campo)
references tabela_estrangeira(nome_do_campo_da_tabela_estrangeira);

More information :

Constraints - Mysql

  • The error remains...

  • why don’t you declare the two foreign keys at once?

  • What would Walter look like? It would be: "Foreign key (codAuto, anoAuto) Auto references(codigo, ano)"?

  • I thought exactly of it


Here, in the table deals:

foreign key (anoAuto) references automoveis(ano))

attribute year does not uniquely define a row of auto table.

I don’t know what you’re up to. Maybe your foreign key should be composed (codAuto, anoAuto).

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