I’m building a mobile application that detects beacons when activating mobile bluetooth, using Evothings, which uses javascript and Html5. Once I detect the beacons, I need one image to change to make room for the other. Testing by codepen the code works, but when I test in the application, nothing happens and the image does not change.
<img id="teste" src="http://db13.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2000px-Dialog-error-round.svg_.png" width="160" height="120" onLoad="trocaImg(int);">
var int = 2;
var img = document.getElementById("teste");
function trocaImg(int){
if (int == 1)
img.src = "http://db13.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2000px-Dialog-error-round.svg_.png";
else if (int == 2)
img.src = "https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/45/20/02/160_F_145200260_Mlts2v0PtYabB4v5dz1I8hKNCfieJidW.jpg";