R - IBGE municipal data download


Viewed 816 times


Is there any way to download municipal IBGE data with R command line?

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    ibge has an API page. See https://servicodados.ibge.gov.br/api/docs. You have a lot of information there.

2 answers


If you know the download link you can try using the function download.file to download any type of file on the internet, in this link you find a help of arguments that can be used, and in this website has a practical example of use.


I believe that today the work of Anthony Damico is the most complete on the reading of various data sources. On his website it is possible to find from the donwload script, through reading and coming to analysis, using packages like Survey. I strongly recommend the visit: http://www.asdfree.com.

In particular, on the Brazilian Demographic Census has the following link: http://www.asdfree.com/search/label/censo%20demografico%20no%20brasil%20%28censo%29

To arrive at a more precise result Anthony relied on the collaboration of Prof. Djalma Pessoa, currently retired from IBGE.

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    @leadromarino, welcome to [pt.so]. Your answer is fine but it is recommended to transcribe, even if only the most important parts of the links, so that your answer remains valid even if the links are broken. Take a look at [Answer] and [tour] if you have any questions

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    @Caputo I understand. I actually made this option since the answer is not as trivial as the scripts. I’ll be more attentive to this. Thank you!

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