Limit characters does not work after using Ctrl+ V


Viewed 157 times


The idea is not to allow typing more than 10 characters. The Crtl + V is failing.


  1. Type 9 characters in
  2. And then use Crtl + V (fault), it is at this point is allowed to type more than 10 characters.

Follows JS code:

$(document).ready(function () {
        toolbar: [
          ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']]
        callbacks: {
            onKeydown: function (e) { 
                var t = e.currentTarget.innerText; 
                if (t.trim().length >= 10) {
                    //delete key
                    if (e.keyCode != 8)
            onKeyup: function (e) {
                var t = e.currentTarget.innerText;
                $('#maxContentPost').text(10 - t.trim().length);
            onPaste: function (e) {
                var t = e.currentTarget.innerText;
                var bufferText = ((e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('Text');
                var all = t + bufferText;
                document.execCommand('insertText', false, all.trim().substring(0, 10));
                $('#maxContentPost').text(10 - t.length);

Or if you prefer Jsfiddle:

Some solution ?

  • 1

    Wouldn’t it be better to create a unique event that fires after a timeout and clears the field?

2 answers


I believe if I perform a unique function and check with .summernote('code') the amount of text, to remove the markup and count use Regex: .replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "")

$(document).ready(function () {
    var meuEditor = $('#summernote');

    var timeout, limite = 10;

    function limitar() {
       var conteudo = meuEditor.summernote('code');
       var semMark = conteudo.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "");

       $('#maxContentPost').text(limite - conteudo.length);

       if (conteudo.length > limite) {
            meuEditor.prop('disabled', true);
            meuEditor.summernote('code', conteudo.substr(0, 10));
            meuEditor.prop('disabled', false);

    setTimeout(limitar, 10);
        toolbar: [
          ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']]
        callbacks: {
            onKeyup: function () {
                setTimeout(limitar, 0);
            onPaste: function () {
                setTimeout(limitar, 0);
<!-- include libraries(jQuery, bootstrap) -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script> 
<script src="//"></script> 

<!-- include summernote css/js-->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>

<div id="summernote">Hello Summernote</div>
<div id="maxContentPost"></div>

Of course this way it will block from adding more text, if you just want to show that exceeded do so:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var meuEditor = $('#summernote');

    var timeout, limite = 10;

    function limitar() {
       var conteudo = meuEditor.summernote('code');
       var semMark = conteudo.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "");

       $('#maxContentPost').text(limite - conteudo.length);

    setTimeout(limitar, 10);
        toolbar: [
          ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']]
        callbacks: {
            onKeyup: function () {
                setTimeout(limitar, 0);
            onPaste: function () {
                setTimeout(limitar, 0);
<!-- include libraries(jQuery, bootstrap) -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script> 
<script src="//"></script> 

<!-- include summernote css/js-->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>

<div id="summernote">Hello Summernote</div>
<div id="maxContentPost"></div>

  • Why not put onKeydown: function () { setTimeout(limitar, 0); } ? Looks like I fixed it when you hold the key. It’s not even ?

  • 1

    is to avoid conflicts, I am reviewing the code to make it a little better, as soon as I get I edit the response and I warn you.

  • William looks at my answer, and sees what he thinks !!!


After a long time, I found a solution:

$(document).ready(function() {

  var limite = 10;
  var meuEditor = $('#summernote');

    toolbar: [
      ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']]
    callbacks: {
      onInit: function() {

        var length = $('#summernote').summernote('code').replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "").length;

        $('#maxContentPost').text(limite - length);
      onKeydown: function(e) {
        var t = e.currentTarget.innerText;
        if (t.trim().length >= limite) {
          // delete key 
          if (e.keyCode != 8)
      onKeyup: function(e) {
        var t = e.currentTarget.innerText;
        var teste = $('#maxContentPost').text(limite - t.trim().length);
        $('#maxContentPost').text(limite - t.trim().length);
      onPaste: function(e) {
        var t = e.currentTarget.innerText;
        var bufferText = ((e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('Text');

        if (t.length + bufferText.length >= limite) {
          var bufferTextAllowed = bufferText.trim().substring(0, limite - t.length);
          setTimeout(function() { 
            // envolva um temporizador para evitar problemas no Firefox
            document.execCommand('insertText', false, bufferTextAllowed);
            $('#maxContentPost').text(limite - t.length);
          }, 10)

<!-- include libraries(jQuery, bootstrap) -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script> 
<script src="//"></script> 

<!-- include summernote css/js-->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>

<div id="summernote">Olá</div>
<div id="maxContentPost"></div>

Original response:

If anyone wishes to improve my answer, be my guest.

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