Enable tab in Readonly = true fields | Visual Studio


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I have this code in the Combobox event, when I select who is a Physical person it enables the relevant fields and blocks those of "Legal" person and vice versa. However it is still possible to pass over the disabled fields by tabulation/ or by clicking however.. (I can’t type anything << is right.).

private void cbTipoPessoa_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Irá verificar entre as duas opções disponíves e habilitar ou desabilitar os campos;

    string opcaoSelecionada = cbTipoPessoa.SelectedItem.ToString(); //Irá pegar o valor que está selecionado

    if(opcaoSelecionada == "Física")
        //Campos Jurídicos ficam como leitura somente

        mskCNPJ.ReadOnly = true;
        txtInscricaoEstadual.ReadOnly = true;
        txtInscricaoMunicipal.ReadOnly = true;

        //Campos Físicos habilitados
        mskCPF.ReadOnly = false;
    }else if(opcaoSelecionada == "Jurídica")
        //Campos Físicos ficam como leitura somente
        mskCPF.ReadOnly = true;

        //Campos Jurídicos habilitados
        mskCNPJ.ReadOnly = false;
        txtInscricaoEstadual.ReadOnly = false;
        txtInscricaoMunicipal.ReadOnly = false;

What can I do to resolve it? Thank you!

1 answer


To the TAB not focus on the element use:

txtMeuControle.TabStop = false;

Even so it will still be possible to click and select the control, not to be able to click the control, probably only disabling it:

txtMeuControle.Enabled = false;

This replaced the TabStop on desired functionality.

  • The . Enabled solved exactly the two things the "click" and the "TAB" he jumps. Certinho, thanks!!

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