Error while trying to run android emulator without android studio


Viewed 235 times


I installed android studio and studied how to use Avd without the need of android studio, I learned how to make the machines via command line and it worked perfectly, but when I went on another machine and downloaded the sdk and executed the same commands the machine is not created and presents this error:

avdmanager create avd -n whatsapp -k "system-images;android-24;google_apis_playstore;x86"
Error: Invalid --tag default for the selected package.

Installed images:

Valid system image paths are:

Installed resources:

sdkmanager.bat --list
Installed packages:
  Path                              | Version | Description                       | Location
  -------                           | ------- | -------                           | -------
  build-tools;26.0.1                | 26.0.1  | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.1    | build-tools\26.0.1\
  emulator                          | 26.1.4  | Android Emulator                  | emulator\
  extras;android;m2repository       | 47.0.0  | Android Support Repository        | extras\android\m2repository\
  extras;google;m2repository        | 58      | Google Repository                 | extras\google\m2repository\
  extras;intel;Ha...ecution_Manager | 6.2.1   | Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator... | extras\intel\Ha...cution_Manager\
  extras;m2reposi...ut-solver;1.0.2 | 1       | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.2 | extras\m2reposi...t-solver\1.0.2\
  extras;m2reposi...nt-layout;1.0.2 | 1       | ConstraintLayout for Android 1... | extras\m2reposi...t-layout\1.0.2\
  patcher;v4                        | 1       | SDK Patch Applier v4              | patcher\v4\
  platform-tools                    | 26.0.0  | Android SDK Platform-Tools        | platform-tools\
  platforms;android-22              | 2       | Android SDK Platform 22           | platforms\android-22\
  platforms;android-26              | 2       | Android SDK Platform 26           | platforms\android-26\
  sources;android-24                | 1       | Sources for Android 24            | sources\android-24\
  sources;android-25                | 1       | Sources for Android 25            | sources\android-25\
  system-images;a...google_apis;x86 | 17      | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom Sys... | system-images\a...oogle_apis\x86\
  system-images;a...pis;armeabi-v7a | 17      | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a Syste... | system-images\\armeabi-v7a\
  system-images;a...s_playstore;x86 | 16      | Google Play Intel x86 Atom Sys... | system-images\a..._playstore\x86\
  tools                             | 26.0.1  | Android SDK Tools 26.0.1          | tools\

These are the features of the machine that installed the android studio and the emulator works normally:

sdkmanager.bat --list
Installed packages:
  Path                              | Version | Description                       | Location
  -------                           | ------- | -------                           | -------
  build-tools;26.0.1                | 26.0.1  | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.1    | build-tools\26.0.1\
  emulator                          | 26.1.4  | Android Emulator                  | emulator\
  extras;android;m2repository       | 47.0.0  | Android Support Repository        | extras\android\m2repository\
  extras;google;m2repository        | 58      | Google Repository                 | extras\google\m2repository\
  extras;intel;Ha...ecution_Manager | 6.2.1   | Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator... | extras\intel\Ha...cution_Manager\
  extras;m2reposi...ut-solver;1.0.2 | 1       | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.2 | extras\m2reposi...t-solver\1.0.2\
  extras;m2reposi...nt-layout;1.0.2 | 1       | ConstraintLayout for Android 1... | extras\m2reposi...t-layout\1.0.2\
  patcher;v4                        | 1       | SDK Patch Applier v4              | patcher\v4\
  platform-tools                    | 26.0.0  | Android SDK Platform-Tools        | platform-tools\
  platforms;android-22              | 2       | Android SDK Platform 22           | platforms\android-22\
  platforms;android-26              | 2       | Android SDK Platform 26           | platforms\android-26\
  system-images;a...google_apis;x86 | 16      | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom Sys... | system-images\a...oogle_apis\x86\
  system-images;a...s_playstore;x86 | 16      | Google Play Intel x86 Atom Sys... | system-images\a..._playstore\x86\
  tools                             | 26.0.2  | Android SDK Tools                 | tools\

1 answer


I was using two folders with sdk, while deleting one of them everything went back to normal.

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