Request async Redux Sauce using Redux-thunk


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Good afternoon guys, all right? I need help with actions on reduxsauce when it is a request async. The problem that the action needs to wait for the file to be solved, you need to use the Redux-thunk for Answer to generate another sucess action. But thunck does not work with reduxsauce and so I made a new middleware based on thunck.

function createThunkMiddleware(extraArgument) {
    return ({ dispatch, getState }) => next => action => {
        if (typeof action === 'function') {
            return action(dispatch, getState, extraArgument);
        }else if(typeof action === 'object'){
            action.dispatch = dispatch;
            return next(action);
        return next(action);

const thunk = createThunkMiddleware();
thunk.withExtraArgument = createThunkMiddleware;

export default thunk;

With this I solved the problem of having Dispatch in the action, but I can’t call there in Sauce’s Redux another action with Dispatch. Follow my attempt and my complete Redux.

import { createReducer, createActions } from 'reduxsauce'
import HttpClient from '../../../utils/HttpClient'
import {queryString} from '../../../utils/helpers'

const { Types, Creators } = createActions({
    success: null,
    add: null,
    list: ['endPoint'],
    delete: ['value'],
    edit: ['value']

export const GridTypes = Types
export default Creators

export const INITIAL_STATE = {
    payload: [],
    page: 1,
    pages: 1,
    total: 0,
    orderBy: "",
    direction: "keyboard_arrow_down",
    active: ""

export const success = (state,action) => {
    return state;

export const list = (state,action) => {
    let queryStrParams = {
    if (state.orderBy !== "") queryStrParams["orderBy"] = state.orderBy;
    let endPoint = `${action.endPoint}?${queryString(queryStrParams)}`;
    return HttpClient.get(endPoint)
        .then(payload => {
            let setState = Object.assign({},state,{
                payload: payload.result,
                pages: payload.pages
            return setState
        }).catch(error => console.log(error));

export const alter = (state,action) => {
    return Object.assign({}, state,action.value);

export const add = (state,action) => {
    let errorVal = Object.assign({}, state);
    errorVal.valid = false;
    return errorVal;

export const del = (state,action) => {
    let errorDel = Object.assign({}, state);
    errorDel.erros.splice(action.value, 1);
    errorDel.valid = errorDel.erros.length === 0;
    return errorDel;

export const GridReducer = createReducer(
        [Types.SUCCESS]: success,
        [Types.LIST]: list,
        [Types.EDIT]: alter,
        [Types.ADD]: add,
        [Types.DELETE]: del

I need to call the SUCCESS in the LIST after resolving the backend return template. I tried this and it was not.

action.dispatch(success()) e action.dispatch(Creators.success())

I did not succeed! If you can help me how to call another action within the Redux thank you. Thank you.

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