View Model receiving Null values


Viewed 786 times


After a query in BD, my query returns some null values in some attributes and when passing the values to the model:

ViewModel.Participantes.Add(new RelParticipantesInscritosAtividadeVM { 
  RA = p.RA.Value, Nome = p.Nome, Modulo = p.Modulo.Value 

I get this error message:

The null object must have a value

How do I get my model to receive null values or replace null with a default value?

  • 2

    Only change your query to return a default value if it is null.

  • how to do this?

1 answer


it would be good if you made it clear which attributes cannot receive null, but anyway, depending on the type of attribute you can declare it as nullable something like:

public int? RA { get;set; }

or do a treatment to receive a value if the return of the bank is null:

RA = p.RA.Value == null ? "valor default" : p.RA.Value;

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