Hello, I’m having trouble making the following query:
I have 3 tables: user_categories, main budget and orcamentos_new
When a user creates a budget, the system creates a record in main budget with the key information being: Who created the budget, completion date, status, etc.
On the table orcamentos_new is the specification of each item, being: item name (ex: inks), quantity, details and its category (paints => paint, for example) and the registration ID in main budget
The question is: in the table user_categories is safe from supplier categories, and this can be various types, such as paints, glass, lift etc
So what I need, is that when a buyer submit the quote (which may contain multiple categories) all suppliers (user_categories) that have at least ONE budget category, be returned in QUERY
So I have this:
ID_user | ID_categoria
1 1 (tintas)
1 2 (vidros)
1 3 (elevador)
Titulo | ID_categoria
Vidros 2
Calhas 5
Piscina 8
Note that in the user_categories the user has the category Glass, but does not have the others, but is to return all records (Glass, gutters, pools) because it has at least one category
I’m not able to create a QUERY for this, what I currently have:
SELECT COUNT(*) as QTD_orc FROM orcamentos_principal
JOIN orcamentos_novo
ON orcamentos_novo.id_orcamento = orcamentos_principal.id
WHERE orcamentos_principal.status = 'ativo'
It searches all records but does not check if the user has at least one category
NOTE: I am the supplier, when I enter the page of available budgets he will have to fetch all budgets that I have at least ONE category, understand? then I need to return all the records of main budget where I have at least one of the categories of orcamentos_new associated with him
Can it be the solution with PHP, implode the array and reconsult with IN to check users with category? if I can solve so I make an answer.
– AnthraxisBR
@Anthraxisbr But in this case, he would seek ALL budgets and one by one would make another query ? thinking that there may be tens of thousands of budgets, it would bring me problems in the future, or not?
– Everton Neri
Therefore of implosion, and of using the IN, will be made a query only.
– AnthraxisBR
So please make an answer, thank you!
– Everton Neri