Problem using Labelfor Razor MVC 3 + C#


Viewed 97 times


I have the following error in mine View: as I pass @class="classe boot-strap" is not used, whether or not View within the parameter @class he insists on using the 'text-box single-line', Just below I’ll leave the code snippets.

Code Razor:

 @Html.EditorFor(model => model.DataManutencao, new { @class = "span2 control-label" })

Chrome debugger HTML code:

<input class="text-box single-line" data-val="true" data-val-date="The field Data Agendamento must be a date." data-val-required="Este campo é obrigatório!" id="DataManutencao" name="DataManutencao" type="datetime" value="01/01/0001">
  • Try to change the EditorFor for TextBoxFor. In MVC 3, EditorFor does not work well with HTML attributes.

  • I used to use the textBoxFor, it works, but I can not use the model data Annotations, have to solve this problem or just passing the HTML attributes through the tags same?

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