Good afternoon, I have a query in my system where it generates a chart.
In the first chart caption is as Undefined, I was trying to redo my query only that it was not coming with the same values.
I wanted to remove the Undefined option that is in my caption leave only the last three options on my chart.
I was wondering if someone could help me get a treatment via javascript, I will post my code below.
public async Task<JsonResult> GetProcessosByDeslocamentoPedidoMedico()
var dados = string.Empty;
if (_tipo == 2)
dados = $"AND p.RegiaoId = {_dado}";
else if (_tipo == 3)
dados = $"AND p.UserId = {_dado}";
var query = $@"SELECT Title, SUM(Count) AS Count
CASE WHEN EstadoId = EstadoIdAutor AND EstadoId = Meddoc1 AND EstadoId = Meddoc2 AND EstadoId = Meddoc3 THEN
'Sem deslocamento'
ELSE CASE WHEN EstadoId = EstadoIdAutor AND (EstadoId = Meddoc1 OR EstadoId = Meddoc2 OR EstadoId = Meddoc3) THEN
'Fora de domicílio do autor'
ELSE CASE WHEN EstadoId <> EstadoIdAutor OR (EstadoId = EstadoIdAutor AND (EstadoId <> Meddoc1 AND EstadoId <> Meddoc2 AND EstadoId <> Meddoc3)) THEN
'Mais de um deslocamento'
END AS Title,
COUNT(*) AS Count
FROM jud_Processos
WHERE Status = 1 AND Trancado = 1 {dados}
GROUP BY EstadoId, EstadoIdAutor, Meddoc1, Meddoc2, Meddoc3
) Sub
GROUP BY Title;";
var total = await _graficosService.GetProcessos(query);
return Json(total, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
my javascript
case "9":
Post("GetProcessosByDeslocamentoPedidoMedico", "", text);
I wanted to remove the Undefined option that is in my caption
the information of
that you have provided are insufficient for a response.– Sorack
So that’s all there is in js no way to do it by query? I did one of each one I used a Union all however different results
– Leonardo Macedo