How to make a div disappear and appear with Javascript


Viewed 925 times


I know there are many topics talking about "how to make a div appear and disappear with Javascript", most of them teach you how to do:

document.getElementById('divaqui').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('divaqui').style.visibility = 'visible';

But I need to do it a little differently
I erased all images (and div’s inside this div conteudo) of a div through this Function

function limpaConteudo()

Now I need to make one of the div’s appear again inside the conteudo that was cleaned up.
I don’t know if I was clear.
Can you help me? Obg

function limpaConteudo()
      display: initial;
<script src=""></script>
    <div id="conteudo" class="conteudo"> 
				<img src="">
    <div id="lixoLimpaConteudo">
					<img src="" onclick="limpaConteudo()" alt="Limpar conteúdo">

  • You want to restore the content once cleaned, you need to have it stored somewhere, please insert the HTML next to the call of this function in order to help you :)

  • It is returning an error, but basically, it would have to disappear with the image of the contents div and when clicking again, the image should appear again. Says the $ has not been set

  • The '$' symbol indicates a call to the Jquery library, you are importing Jquery?

  • That’s what was missing, I’m sorry, I just started studying programming in Jscript, I just imported the Jquery library

  • Is there any way to make that image reappear? or a div inside the div conteudo reappear??

  • Sora, even with the jquery library the code will still only clear the div. The Empty command removes the contents. Unless you have the image you want saved elsewhere, you will have no way to restore the content.

  • I get it, I’ll try to store the image or the div. Obg !!

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1 answer


In case you already have the image in div id="lixoLimpaConteud" then I am basing on it to "restore" the content, I left the code commented for better understanding.

function alteraConteudo(imagem)
  var novaImagem = "<img src='" + imagem.attr("src") + "' />"; //Crio uma nova imagem com mesmo src da clicada.
  if ($("#conteudo").is(':empty')){ //Se estiver vazia insiro a imagem clicada.
     $("#conteudo").append(novaImagem); //Atribui a nova imagem a div conteúdo.
     $("#conteudo").css("background-color", "#ff1"); //coloco a cor incial da div
  }else{ //Se possuir conteúdo limpo.
    $("#conteudo").empty()  //Limpa a div conteudo
     document.getElementById('conteudo').style.background='#fff'; //remove a cor da div
      display: initial;
<script src=""></script>
    <div id="conteudo" class="conteudo"> 
				<img src="" />
    <div id="lixoLimpaConteudo">
					<img src="" onclick="alteraConteudo($(this))" alt="Limpar conteúdo" />

  • 1

    It’s perfect !! I believe this is the code I’ll have to study : . append(that); Obg Caique!! A good afternoon :DD

  • Can you help me understand why the image on the right disappears when you double-click? From what I’m studying in the code, it was to clear only the right content div??

  • I updated my answer to fix the problem.

  • Mt obg!!!! Solved my question !!

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