Yii2 Rest cannot send the field Name of another Table


Viewed 46 times


How do I submit the name of the Employee that is in the Employees table to appear in a request REST?

I’m new, he shows up in the view I tested, but I can’t find the right way to send by REST.

table Asos has the function and the Employee table has the function And has not FK because it is myIsam.


public function getFuncionarios()
   return $this->hasMany(Funcionarios::className(),['idFuncionario'=>'idFuncionario']);


class DefaultController extends ActiveController
   public $modelClass = 'app\models\Asos';

model -> Bitbucket

Controller -> Bitbucket

  • You want to display the related data by method getFuncionarios()?

  • That, or if there’s an easier way

  • What error is being displayed? How are you calling the API?

  • Nothing appears, just nothing appears, I use the Postman for testing, I am calling this way in the controller public Function actionIndex() { $query = City::find()->with('cTUF'); Return new Activedataprovider([ 'query' => $query, ]); }

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