Doubt about instructions that can be implemented in Hibernate


Viewed 80 times


Technical Course Test Question of Java Programming Language:

What instructions can be used in Hibernate?


b- JPA



  • 1

    Very ill-designed question, by the way.

3 answers


Considering "instructions" as instructions for handling and data persistence the correct answer is:

  • C-SQL


Hibernate is a ORM (Object Relational Mapping), a "relational object mapping technique that allows to make a relation of the objects with the data they represent".

Doing some small google searches: JDBC - "Classes and interfaces to send SQL statements to any relational database databases". - JDB is a bank connector, as well as Hibernate, but with other techniques and implementations, allowing to execute SQL commands. (Andremoniy, 2015).

JPA - "A standard Java language API describing a common interface for data persistence frameworks" - JPA refers only to specifications, whereas Hibernate is an implementation of specifications (Bowersox, 2012).

SQL - It is the default declarative search language for relational database (relational database) - SQL are the database commands themselves. This is what is executed, either explicitly by command or "under the table" by ORM. So, that’s your answer.

JNDI - "An API for access to directory services. It allows client applications to discover and retrieve data or objects through a name" - Just like JDBC, JDNI allows you to connect to databases and execute SQL commands. (jpkrohling, 2011).

Whenever possible, do your homework!


HQL is the mechanism in Hibernate for defining SQL-type statements. However, I do not think it is correct to say that SQL can be read by Hibernate but HQL.

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