How to make slideshow clickable and redirect to a url?


Viewed 181 times


How can I modify so that the images that are loaded on the slide can become clickable and go to a specific url? Only what is being clickable is the Readmore button.

<div class="banner7">
<div class= "oc-banner7-container">
    <div class="flexslider oc-nivoslider">
        <div class="oc-loading"></div>
        <div id="oc-inivoslider" class="slides">
                $slides = $ocslideshows;
                $config = $slide_setting[0];
                $i = 1;
                foreach($slides as $s) {
            <a href="<?php echo $s['link'] ? $s['link'] : '#'?>"><img style="display: none;" src="<?php echo $s['image']; ?>" alt="" title="#banner7-caption<?php echo $i; ?>"  /></a>
                $i ++;
$i = 1;
foreach($slides as $s) {
    $class ="";
    if($s['type']==1){ $class = "slider-1"; }
    if($s['type']==2){ $class = "slider-2"; }
    if($s['type']==3){ $class = "slider-3"; }
    <div id="banner7-caption<?php echo $i; ?>" class="banner7-caption nivo-html-caption nivo-caption">
        <div class="timeloading"></div>
        <div class="banner7-content <?php echo $class; ?>">
            <div class="text-content">
                <h1 class="title1"><?php echo $s['title']; ?></h1>
                <h2 class="sub-title"><?php echo $s['sub_title']; ?></h2>
                <div class="banner7-des">
                    <?php echo html_entity_decode($s['description']); ?>
                <?php if( $s['link'] ) { ?>
                    <div class="banner7-readmore">
                        <a href="<?php echo $s['link']?>" title="<?php echo $text_readmore ?>"><?php echo $text_readmore; ?></a>    
                <?php } ?>
            <?php if($s['small_image_name'] != "no_image.png"){ ?>
            <div class="banner7-small_image">
                <img class="img1" src="<?php echo $s['small_image']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $s['small_image_name']; ?>" />
            <?php } ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function() {
        effect: '<?php if($config['effect']) { echo $config['effect'];} else { echo 'random'; } ?>',
        slices: 15,
        boxCols: 8,
        boxRows: 4,
        manualAdvance: <?php  if(isset($config['auto'])&& $config['auto'] == 1) { echo 'false' ; } else { echo 'true';} ?>,
        pauseTime: '<?php  if($config['delay']) { echo $config['delay']; } else { echo 3000;} ?>',
        startSlide: 0,
        controlNav:  <?php  if(isset($config['contrl']) && $config['contrl'] == 1) { echo 'true' ; } else { echo 'false';} ?>,
        directionNav:  <?php  if(isset($config['nextback'])&& $config['nextback'] == 1) { echo 'true' ; } else { echo 'false';} ?>,
        controlNavThumbs: false,
        pauseOnHover:  <?php  if(isset($config['hover'])&& $config['hover'] == 1) { echo 'true' ; } else { echo 'false';} ?>,
        prevText: '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>',
        nextText: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>',          
        afterLoad: function(){
            $('.timeloading').css('animation-duration','<?php  if($config['delay']) { echo $config['delay'].'ms'; } else { echo '3000ms';} ?>');
  • <a href=..... ><img class="img1" src="<? php echo $s['small_image']; ? >" alt="<? php echo $s['small_image_name'];>" />

  • It didn’t work here, it’s still the same. I guess it’s not exactly in this part there :/

  • the idea and put <a href=..... > in the appropriate images

1 answer


To make it clickable simply place the image inside an anchor and insert the link you want.

<div class="banner7-small_image">
  <a href="link">
    <img class="img1" src="<?php echo $s['small_image']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $s['small_image_name']; ?>" />

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