Filter list from similar strings


Viewed 99 times


My question is how do I, using the Angularjs filter, filter items from a list from string attributes. These attributes are similar, 'Relevant' and 'non-relevant'.

<select class="select input" ng-model="classes">
    <option value="rel">relevant</option>
    <option value="non-rel">non-relevant</option>
    <tr ng-repeat="post in posts | filter:{classification:classes}">

The problem is that when I put in select "Relevant", it brings all. It can only bring specifically if it is the "non-relevant". I wonder if there is a way I return only those that only have "Relevant" or only those that have "non-relevant". How could I solve this problem? I appreciate the help again. Hugs.

1 answer


The filter accepts a third parameter that basically forces the value to be exact:

<tr ng-repeat="post in posts | filter:{classification:classes}:true">

You can check the documentation of filter.

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