How to work with billets in the Pay PHP


Viewed 390 times


My difficulty is in making the Parsing of data returned in the boleto generation. My goal is to take this data and make some transformations, such as formatting the date/time and some other changes like boleto status translation, etc.

My methods of generating billet and query:

 * Gera um boleto para pagamento
 * @param int       $valor
 * @param array     $dados
 * @param string    $urlCallBack
 * @param array     $metadados
 * @return          void
public function gerar($valor, $dados, $urlCallBack = null, $metadados = null)
    $customer = new Customer($dados);

    return $this->pagarMe->transaction()->boletoTransaction(

 * Retorna os dados do boleto
 * @return \PagarMe\Sdk\Transaction\BoletoTransaction
public function consultar(int $transacaoId)
    return $this->dicionario($this->pagarMe->transaction()->get($transacaoId));

1 answer


    $res = TuaClasse->gerar(1000, \PagarMe\Sdk\Customer\Customer $customer, $urlCallBack = null, $metadados = null)

    $id_da_transacao = $res->getId();

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