Totalcross: Generation of QR Code


Viewed 99 times


For kindness, it is possible to generate QR Code through Totalcross code?

If so, how should I implement? Which class/interface should I use?
If not, any predictions of making this feature available?

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    Currently, it does not generate QR Code. There are some alternatives to it; one could consume a webservice that returns the QR Code. Another alternative would be to create the bitmap by specifying the QR Code and putting in a type object Image

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    Thank you, Jefferson! I will evaluate which one is the most interesting for our solution!

  • By the way, what is the most suitable size for a smartphone screen? What I mean is that this QR Code can be read by another device. Does the Totalcross Image type object allow this QR Code image to be actually identified and recognized by an application that reads QR Codes? Thanks again!

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    the most suitable size to be read on another device? Well, it will depend on the quality of the reading device. Building QR Code will provide you with arbitrary (quantized) dimension spaces that need to be white or black, so you can make the upscale algorithmically. About upscale using directly the Image.setScale, I’ll see here how the stretching of the image

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    From what I saw, Image.getScaledInstance does not interpolate pixels, so I think it is plausible to use it to upscale images keeping the edges sharp. Image.getSmoothedScale will interpolate to give a softer appearance, so it should never be used for qr Code, either upscale or downscale

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