My question is I have a combobox in the application and this combobox is filled with data coming from mysql database so far so good. I launch the data in a Datasource to feed the combobox but when the user chooses a combobox result as for example: Sector = FINANCIAL I want to record in the bank the financial sector Id and not the financial word. How can I catch this Id?
ParamByName('SETOR').AsString := SETOR.????????;
==> This is where my sector call combobox is.
Inform how combo data is loaded, as this influences the return of data.
– Alexandre Cavaloti
I have a Tmyquery that does a select like this: with Query_sector of Begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM tables_system_sector WHERE STATUS = 'A''); Open; &##Xa; while NOT Query_sector.Eof of Begin SECTOR.Items.Add(Query_sector['SECTOR']); Query_sector.Next; end; end; Then I have a: Tmydatasource that feeds this combobox.
– Eduardo Figueiredo