Add Mysql Connector to the instation package


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I have a Windows Forms connecting to a database Mysql remote (is on a server). Basically, all it does is read data from a table, or write or anything. I am using the Entity Framework and my project has the following dependencies regarding Mysql: Mysql.Data, Mysql.Data.Entity.EF6.

Good, so far everything is perfect! The application is ready and working properly. The problem is this, every time I take the application to a new client, I have to install the Mysqlconnector at hand before installing my system, download link.

No way to include this blessed as a prerequisite in my installer? When generating the install it already automatically goes with the project?

1 answer


Hello, I had this problem that of having to install program manually, but I found this installer with Visual Studio, with it vc managed to put the dependency of programs and can put to install before the application, I will put a link that explains the correct procedure, has various functions that can help a lot.

I’m going to put Footsteps: You will download the program Installer Projects from Visual Studio, have either the Nuget inside the visual or you can find on the Microsoft website. You will add a new project already in what you created. In ADD > New Projetc > Other Project Type > Visual Studio Installer > Select "Setup Project". It will Create below your solution a folder, just vc right click and add your directory, after that vc will put the dependencies, and selects the Mysql exe itself, or vc can put to it download from the vendor’s website. After that all is just compile, will be generated a Setup, and a . msi, just take it in the clients and the program does the rest of the installation alone. For better detail can look at the link, which there are other functions like add shortcuts, records and everything else, it is quite easy and functional


  • 2

    Very complete the installer! Really superior to the conventional available in VS. With this installer I was able to locate where the problem was in the build of my system. I now managed a . msi with all necessary files, including Mysqlconnector! Thank you.

  • 1

    Yes it is Very Efficient even with registry handling and program installation order. good that it helped

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