How to prevent a variable from going negative in Java?


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I’m making an application for Android in Android Studio where there is a list of items, where you can choose to increase or decrease the amount of each item, so for this I created two buttons for each item, one to increase and the other to decrease the amount, follows model:

int quantity_item;

public void increment_item(View view) {
    quantity_item = quantity_item + 1;


public void decrement_item(View view) {
    quantity_item = quantity_item - 1;

The problem is that when the value is zero and click on the button decrement_item, the value is negative. How do I stop it? How do I stop it when it’s "0", when pressing decrement_item, nothing happens?

1 answer


Basically create a condition that prevents this:

public void decrement_item(View view) {
    if (quantity_item > 0) {

I could also do something like this to better inform:

public void decrementItem(View view) {
    if (quantityItem > 0) {
    } else {
        messagemErro("Não pode ficar com valor inferior a zero");

I put in the Github for future reference.

  • Write like this: código
int quantity_item;
public void increment_item(View view) { 
 quantity_item = quantity_item + 1; 


public void decrement_item(View view) { 
 quantity_item = quantity_item - 1; 
 if (quantity_item > 0) { 

 } However, after increasing the amount, if I try to decrease, in the first click nothing happens, in the second, it decreases two units. What I did wrong?

  • this is related to another issue, what has changed there is just to prevent the number from being negative, nothing else, which was the request in the question.

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