PHP Startup: Unable to load Dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/php_pdo_mysql.dll


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I did an interview for an internship job, and they asked me to do a CRUD with Codeigniter and send it to them, did it and tested it anyway, at home and in college it worked, I sent them and they returned me an email showing this error in the photo below and I have no idea what it is. I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with this...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I would say that the problem is not in your code but in the base where they tested.

  • So at home I use Windows, I think in the company there they use Linux, only this can be

  • There seems to be some wrong configured line in php.ini that tries to call a DLL in linux ... seems to be environment problem. Request php.ini from them or ask them to run on another PC. If you’re interested that question talks about php error messages.

1 answer


You must be on a Linux or Mac OSX operating system, the extensions .dll are for windows, so it is likely that you have downloaded manually, it will not work.

The PDO extension is usually native to distros when you install PHP, so you probably have to open php.ini and uncomment (take out php.ini ;) of these lines:


being like this:

Then restart Apache (or Nignix, or lighttpd, depends on which HTTP server you use).

Don’t forget to delete the line (it should be something similar, open php.ini and use Ctrl+F and look for .dll):

  • So I’ll pass it on to them and hope you fix it.

  • @Franciscomarcos you don’t have access to php.ini from the server?

  • 1

    Worse than not, I sent them project and only returned sending the error, no file

  • 1

    @Franciscomarcos understood, anything copies the link of your question and sends to them :)

  • It’s gonna be the way it’s gonna be.

  • @Gilbertoalbino if extensions you see along with pre-compiled are not in the folder was due to some absurd error, as the user himself has deleted manually and is still an OFF-TOPIC question, this shows that you do not understand the scope of the site Stack Overflow in English, that is available in Help/Help (see footer). My answer is totally efficient and the author marked it as correct because it shows that solved the problem and that exactly this was the problem (which I explained in the answer)... If the . dll does not exist in the folder it is because something very wrong has been done and it is not common.

  • @Gilbertoalbino out that just look at the error PATH, the path is from a LINUX server or Unix-like, and he tried to load one . dll (which is windows) on a non-windows server, ie something very wrong had the question author problem, This is definitely not a common mistake

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