Do you need to use Appcompat and Support Design libraries when the minimum API is 21?


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I recently updated an application I am developing to use minimum API 21 (Lollipop), before it was on 19 (Kitkat).

In the case of Kitkat I needed to use Appcompat and Support Design to take advantage of Drawerlayout, Coordinatorlayout, Floatingactionbutton, etc, only in Lollipop some of these controls are natively supported.

The question is: do I need to keep referencing Appcompat and Support Design? And if so, what parts of libs?

I believe I will probably have to adapt the code for these changes.

2 answers


If your API minimum now is 21, you will no longer need to use these support libraries. Even.

They serve to offer device compatibility pré-loolipop (API 21), that is, for devices with an API between 21 and 9, as this is the least the library can support.


Not, if using only existing features in (up) Loolipop.

Yes, if you want to use new features and methods available in versions after Loolipop.

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