There is a webservice that I need to create which needs to have some particularities, among them, the information of Soapaction (as below). However, when I put and will debug I already get the error when testing the contents of the variable "orderID", returns:
System.Nullreferenceexception: 'Undefined object reference for an instance of an object. ' ==> confirmPaymentRequest was Nothing)
When I shoot the Soapaction works, but the customer fails to consume because it returns the following error:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.Soapexception: The server did not recognize the value of the HTTP header Soapaction: confirmPayment.
I don’t know what else to do, given the very little experience in Ws.
Below follows the method:
Public Function confirmPayment(ByVal confirmPaymentRequest As ps.confirmPaymentRequest) As ps.confirmPaymentResponse
Dim retorno As New ps.confirmPaymentResponse()
Dim orderID As String = confirmPaymentRequest.orderId
Dim status As String = confirmPaymentRequest.status
sql = "insert into ws_payment (orderid, status) values ('" & orderID & "','" & status & "')"
txtExec = bco.exec(clsRetAcesso.acesso(homologacao, "dbWS"), sql)
If txtExec <> "OK" Then
retorno.success = False
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LocalLog, Date.Now & " - 0030 - Erro: " & txtExec & vbNewLine & "SQL: " & sql & vbNewLine, True)
retorno.success = True
End If
Return retorno
End Function
The problem is not there, it is in the call of this method.
– Maniero
There are other webservices in this project that make the call as in this example and that gave no problem. Unfortunately, because I don’t know much I’m doing it by trial and error, but I’m not getting it.
– user3933820