List shared folder items


Viewed 119 times


How to list items from a specific shared folder with an application created by developer console?

The problem

I’m using the package googleapis in Node to get a file system and upload images more flexible and robust than options "freemium" de Heroku (in an app on Heroku) however I can’t list only the items in a shared folder (shared from the user to the application).

When trying to list using parameters like: folderId, spaces or corpus the result is the same... returns all items in all application or shared folders (except of course from "appDataFolder folder")

    auth: jwtClient, // token de autenticação
    folderId: '0B3ajCOYifSJ6a1ItaXFqaVB4alU', // folder id
    fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name)',
    pageSize: 100
}, function (err, res) {
    if ( !!err ) {
        // Handle error
    } else {
        res.files.forEach(function (file) {
            console.log('Found file:',,;

Source (posting) I used to share folder between user and application

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