Cannot cast from Object to int JSP


Viewed 134 times


I am developing an application using JSP and servelt in which I want to get the total amount of records from my tb_driver table,created a servelt in which I passed the method that makes the query and created a session but when taking the session created in servelet and put in the page listMotorista2 it appears the following error.An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /listaMotoristas2.jsp Cannot cast from Object to int

 public int totalRegistros(){

     try {
        con = Conecta.conexao();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Conecta.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

            try {

       String sql="Select count(*) as contaRegistros from tb_motorista";
        Statement statement = con.createStatement();     

       ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);   ;
        int totalRegistros=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString("contaRegistros"));
        return totalRegistros;

    } catch (Exception e) {

            return 0;

 protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, 
 HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

     MotoristasDAO dao= new MotoristasDAO();

     try {

          int totalMotorista=dao.totalRegistros();

     request.setAttribute("totalMotoristas", totalMotorista);

     RequestDispatcher rd= 
    rd.forward(request, response);

    } catch (Exception e) {



    int totalRegistros= (int) request.getAttribute("totalMotorista");//Cannot cast from Object to int

  • If you insert a System.out.println(rs.getString("contaRegistros"));, what is the result? This output could be right after the;

  • Weslley Tavares returns the number of records 5

1 answer


request.setAttribute("totalMotoristas", totalMotorista);

The Httpservletrequest.setAttribute() parameters are String and Object. totalMotorista is int, which is not Object but a primitive type.

Switch to Integer in points:

- public Integer totalRegistros(){
- Integer totalRegistros=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString("contaRegistros"));
- Integer totalMotorista=dao.totalRegistros();
  • 1

    worked here thanks

  • So take a vote ;-)

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