IF within a class


Viewed 294 times


I’m new to c#, and I wanted to do this: I have the dllimport class that is being used in another class. The problem is this, I want to pass the constant(dll path) according to the version windows 64 or 32. I tried to pass a method as parameter, but it did not roll and so I saw the dllimport class only accepts static(or constant) argument. Does anyone know how I solve it? Follows my code:

//const string DllName = "C:\\EZForecourt\\EZClient.dll";
public string DllName()

if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") == "AMD64" || Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432") == "AMD64")
    return "C:\\EZForecourt\\EZClient64.dll";
    return "C:\\EZForecourt\\EZClient.dll";


//--------------------------------- Connection -----------------------------------------//

[DllImport(DllName, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern Int32 ClientLogon(Int32 ClientID, Int16 ClientType, Int32 EventHandle, System.IntPtr hWnd, Int32 wMsg);

2 answers


I went through this same problem a while ago as I develop for both types, to solve this I needed to add to my project a "DLL" folder and in it I added both types of dll.

Imagem da pasta DLL

So I looked for a way to solve this problem by always carrying the dll correct when starting the application.


    public static class DLL_Loader
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifica a arquitetura do SO(32/64 bits) e carrega a dll correta para funcionamento das impressoras TSC.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TSC_DLL(string appLocation)
            //string appLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            string dllLocation = Path.Combine(appLocation, @"Dll\TSC\TSCLIB_32B.dll");
            string newLocation = Path.Combine(appLocation, @"TSCLIB.dll");

            if (IntPtr.Size == 8) //No modo 32bit o IntPrt.Size será 4, já em 64bit será 8.
                dllLocation = Path.Combine(appLocation, @"Dll\TSC\TSCLIB_64B.dll");

            File.Copy(dllLocation, newLocation, true); //Gerar dll correta com o nome que preciso.

To call her:


I use in class Program.cs of my projects WindowsForm.

I hope I can help you.


Gonçalves, thanks again for the help, but I found a simpler way to solve it. I put a directive:

 #if WIN64
   const string DllName = "\\EZForecourt\\EZClient64.dll";
   const string DllName = "\\EZForecourt\\EZClient.dll";

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