How to change button color with Hover over a single button (CSS)


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Well, here’s my problem:

I have five buttons, in horizontal order. Each one has a specific color in the Hover. When placing the mouse over any of them, all the others should take over the color the selected has.

I was able to use this effect successfully on the first button, since the others changed color; when applying the code to the others, only the buttons in front (right) changed color, and I can’t get the previous button to change.

To demonstrate, I’ll simulate the third button, call it "box3". I’m trying the following:

box3:hover ~ box1 {
box3:hover ~ box2 {

^ the two above are the ones on the left and don’t change color

box3:hover ~ box4 {
box3:hover ~ box5 {

Obs: I didn’t put box3 to change color because this is another element’s Hover, so unnecessary.

I have tried to replace ~ by +, > and empty space as well. Thanks!!

  • Not only will you get it with CSS, because the available selectors only see the elements ahead of the question. To do this I believe you will need Javascript.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss I don’t know if it gets boring/complicated the way I did, but it was possible with pointer-events :)

1 answer


This will only affect the elements to the right of the selected element:

[class*=box]:hover, [class*=box]:hover ~ [class*=box] {
<div class="row">
   <button class="box1">foo</button>
   <button class="box2">foo</button>
   <button class="box3">foo</button>
   <button class="box4">foo</button>
   <button class="box5">foo</button>

<div class="row">
   <button class="box1">foo</button>
   <button class="box2">foo</button>
   <button class="box3">foo</button>
   <button class="box4">foo</button>
   <button class="box5">foo</button>

I believe that is not possible take the previous elements, only the next ones, to get all that belong to a "parent" element will be necessary Javascript/jquery, however it is possible force a little the effect apply :hover in the element parent, so (in this case I created a "parent" element called .row):

.row:hover > [class*=box] {
<div class="row">
   <button class="box1">foo</button>
   <button class="box2">foo</button>
   <button class="box3">foo</button>
   <button class="box4">foo</button>
   <button class="box5">foo</button>

However the effect will occur in any area of the .row, then you can use pointer-events: none; and pointer-events: auto;:

/* remove a interação do toch e mouse do elemento "pai"*/
.row {
    pointer-events: none;

/* restaura a interação do toch e mouse a todos elementos "filhos", incluindo os botões e outros */
.row > * {
    pointer-events: auto;

/* aplica o vermelhor ao passar o mouse sob o elemento pai mas somente quando for possivel "interagir" com pointer-events */
.row:hover > [class*=box] {
<div class="row">
   <button class="box1">foo</button>
   <button class="box2">foo</button>
   <button class="box3">foo</button>
   <button class="box4">foo</button>
   <button class="box5">foo</button>

But it’s important note that the pointer-events affects the touch and mouse/mouse of other child elements, this of course can be solved by applying to the necessary child elements the pointer-events: auto;, for a reason I used > *

.row > * {
    pointer-events: auto;


If each button element has a color it will be necessary to do this separately, for example:

.row {
    pointer-events: none;

.row > * {
    pointer-events: auto;

.row:hover > .box1 { background-color: red; }
.row:hover > .box2 { background-color: blue; }
.row:hover > .box3 { background-color: black; }
.row:hover > .box4 { background-color: orange; }
.row:hover > .box5 { background-color: magenta; }
<div class="row">
   <button class="box1">foo</button>
   <button class="box2">foo</button>
   <button class="box3">foo</button>
   <button class="box4">foo</button>
   <button class="box5">foo</button>

<div class="row">
   <button class="box1">foo</button>
   <button class="box2">foo</button>
   <button class="box3">foo</button>
   <button class="box4">foo</button>
   <button class="box5">foo</button>

  • I’ve been using # while making the code, I just didn’t use it in the Stack demo here If I hadn’t used it, I know the front buttons wouldn’t change color either, since my problem is the buttons on the left of the one where I will pass the mouse pointer on top

  • Thanks a lot Guilherme! I thought it was simple enough for CSS, but by the way I’ll have to face Javascript. I even researched and found ways to influence the parent element from the child, but I didn’t know what to do with that code of Jquery hahaha ?

  • @Andréciappina added an example 100% with CSS, removed the part about possible error of the selectors, and added explanations about how the code I created works, I hope it is useful.

  • In this case, the color will always be the same regardless of the button with Hover, correct?

  • @Andersoncarloswoss this is easily solved with an extra class that represents a color, however it does not seem to me to be what the AP requested, if I edit and add an example.

  • I had understood this in the passage "each one has a specific color in the Hover". By the way, the pointer-events served for the Hover answer only in the elements children, I understood well?

  • 1

    @Andersoncarloswoss [edited] yes Pointer-Events ensures that touch or mouse interaction occurs only where set Pointer-Events: auto;, in the case > *, ps: Response edited.

  • @Andréciappina edited for random need multiple/ different colors for each button.

  • 1

    First real use of pointer-events which I saw, interesting up. + 1

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