Column 'idusuario' in Where clause is ambiguous


Viewed 702 times


I’m trying to make a select with inner join. Rotating the select in the phpmyadmin the ERROR that returns is this:

Column 'idusuario' in Where clause is ambiguous

$idusuario = $_GET['idusuario'];

    $getCli=$pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM enderecoUsuario INNER JOIN usuario 
                            ON enderecoUsuario.idusuario = usuario.idusuario 
                            WHERE usuario.idusuario=:idusuario");
    $getCli->bindValue(":idusuario", $idusuario);

    while ($linha=$getCli->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

        $idusuario = $linha['idusuario'];
        $nome = $linha['nome'];
        $sobrenome = $linha['sobrenome'];
        $logradouro = $linha['logradouro'];
        $bairro = $linha['bairro'];
        $cidade = $linha['cidade'];
        $uf = $linha['uf'];
        $email = $linha['email'];

        $return = array(
            'idusuario' => $idusuario,
            'nome'  => $nome,
            'sobrenome' => $sobrenome,
            'logradouro'    => $logradouro,
            'bairro'    => $bairro,
            'cidade'    => $cidade,
            'uf'    => $uf,
            'email' => $email


    echo json_encode($return);

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    WHERE usuario.idusuario=:idusuario

  • This is because in joins between 2 or more tables there is a column with the same name. You should use the reference of which table to display.

4 answers


This error means that the database does not know which column you are using/referencing because this name exists in two or more tables.

To solve this is simple just give an alias for one of the columns or in this case specify the table name before the field.


SELECT * FROM enderecoUsuario
INNER JOIN usuario ON enderecoUsuario.idusuario = usuario.idusuario
WHERE idusuario=:idusuario

For something like (option with alias):

SELECT enderecoUsuario.*, usuario.idusuario as novo_nome_id FROM enderecoUsuario
INNER JOIN usuario ON enderecoUsuario.idusuario = usuario.novo_nome_id
WHERE usuario.novo_nome_id = :idusuario

Option with full column name:

SELECT * FROM enderecoUsuario
INNER JOIN usuario ON enderecoUsuario.idusuario = usuario.idusuario
WHERE usuario.idusuario = :idusuario
  • But I want to select all data from your tables

  • @Gustavosevero edited the answer, remember that in PHP fields/keys with the same name has its value overwritten with the last value.

  • It is that in the table addressUsuario, it is only the address data and in the table user I have the name, surname and email

  • Interesting reading, showing pros and cons of the select *:


When you search for data in more than one table and they have repeated column names you need to tell which table the column is from. In case you did correct in the INNER JOIN but forgot to inform on WHERE.

Column 'idusuario' in Where clause is ambiguous

Your column in Where is ambiguous, that is, sql does not know which table you want to filter from. He needs you to inform: usuario.idusuario or enderecoUsuario.idusuario in the WHERE also.

SELECT * FROM enderecoUsuario 
INNER JOIN usuario 
ON enderecoUsuario.idusuario = usuario.idusuario 
WHERE usuario.idusuario=:idusuario

Responding to your comments, it gets a little complicated we debug the error without having access to the base, but I will try to make my answer more useful to you. On the link you sent idusuario=5.

Check if there is user and address for this ID, because your query depends on the existence of both to return something.

SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE idusuario= 5 -- Veja se retorna algo.
SELECT * FROM enderecoUsuario WHERE idusuario = 5 -- Veja se retorna algo.

If you want to bring all users even if there is no address change INNER JOIN for RIGHT JOIN.

  • Beauty, gave no more error, but putting to run on my system does not return anything!! Being that has data to return!

  • Right, you need to check what value comes in the $idusuario variable and whether there is a user and an address for it.

  • @Gustavosevero, do you have access to the direct consultation in the bank? If yes, it is easier to examine where the problem is. You can exchange for CROSS JOIN or something like that and investigate where the filter is happening that removes the necessary data

  • Has, see: "detailsCtrl.js:10"

  • @Gustavosevero make the query and see which filter is wrong. Do this by talking directly to the bank to ensure that the query works, only then to figure out how to make it feasible with PDO


This happens because both in the table addressUsuario and in the table user there is the column idusuario.

You could "select" which columns need in the query return to avoid this conflict.



The tables usuario and enderecoUsuario has a column with the name idUsuario specify which table is next to the column name in the where.

For example: usuario.idUsuario = idusuario

  • Yes! that’s why I’m doing INNER JOIN.

  • I complemented the answer with the correction at Where

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