For this you need to create a custom Uitableviewcell.
Let’s focus the problem on entering data just like adding phone.
First, make a Uitableviewcell like this:

For this, you do not need a subclass of Uitableviewcell because the native already has everything you need. Assemble the layout (storyboard) just insert a button into the cell, and a label, and install Cell according to your Dentifier. The action of this Cell on the didSelectRowAtIndexPath will be an insertRowsAtIndexPaths, which will insert a custom Cell:
Create A new class that extends from Uitableviewcell, and mount the layout (storyboard) of it as the below:

This Uitableviewcell is more complex, it has several functionalities, as the button that selects the type of phone, Swipe, etc... all this should be implemented in this custom Uitableviewcell.
I believe the links below can help you follow this path:
To understand the delegate of the Cell selection:
To understand how to create a custom Uitableviewcell
To create a Cell with Swipe
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView swipeAccessoryButtonPushedForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
Your question has no direct doubt, it encompasses a number of techniques. Anyway I hope this will help.