How to compare data from different activities?


Viewed 83 times


I’m developing a simple app just to increase my knowledge, and I want to know how I can compare data between activities?


Activity1: In this Activity I have the variable A which has as value 1

Activity2: In this other one, I have the variable B which has as value 2

Activity3: And in this a variable C with the value 3

Now what I want to know, at Activity 0 when I enter the name of the variable A for example, it shows me its value and at the same time tell me what the lowest value is between the other variables of the others activities!

  • It would be important for you to look at the Activity cycle of android and analyze which one you need to use. I suggest reading:

1 answer


In this case you have 4 options in my view:

1 - You will have to traffic the information of a view to another through intents and in that you read the value with getExtras() of Intent in the other Activity, as in the example below:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity2.class)
intent.putExtra("var1", 10);

//Aqui você vai ler na Activity2
getIntent().getIntExtra("var1", 0) //0 é default se não achar um extra com a key var1

2 - Or save a static class that will store the values for you to compare;

3 - Or save these values in any form of data persistence, either in Sharedpreferences or Database;

4 - Or in the way I find simple to example, having a Activity and the other three being Fragments.

  • Now I understand, I think via Database would be simpler and would complicate my life less later, but thanks for the answer.

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