Element not Visible - Protractor


Viewed 36 times


Failed: element not Visible

I am trying to access a menu item, but it is returning as not visible. I tried it in two ways:

var formalizationLink = element(by.id('menu7'));
browser.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", formalizationLink.getWebElement());

And also:

let formalizationLink = element(by.id("menu7"));

if (formalizationLink.isPresent()) {
} else {
  return false;

The menu items above this are working normally, someone could help me?

1 answer


Hi. I’m also new to the developer. Do you just want to click on the element with the menu7 ID? If that’s it, you can do it the simple way:

element(by.id('menu7')).click().then(() =>{
      //Fazer alguma coisa depois do menu estiver aberto

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