The cost to the consumer of a new car is the sum of the factory cost with the percentage of the distributor and the taxes, both applied to the factory cost. It is known that the percentages are the same as in the following table. Make a program that gets the car factory cost and show the cost to the consumer.
Custo de Fábrica % do Distribuidor % dos impostos
Até R$ 12.000,00 5 Isento
Entre R$ 12.000,00 10 15
Acima de R$ 25.000,00 15 20
My code:
algoritmo "Preço"
custo_fab, perc_dist, val_dist, perc_imp, val_imp, preco: real
escreva("Informe o Custo de fábrica: ")
se (custo_fab < 12000) entao
perc_dist <- 5
perc_imp <- 0
se (custo_fab < 25000) entao
perc_dist <- 10
perc_imp <- 15
perc_dist <- 15
perc_imp <- 20
val_dist <- custo_fab * perc_dist / 100
val_imp <- custo_fab * perc_imp / 100
preco <- custo_fab + val_dist + val_imp
escreval("Preço ao consumidor: ", preco)
Your question is at what point of the task? did you do something? gave error in the code?
– rray
is that I didn’t bother to look like I did there
– william martins
Which part did you not understand? was some calculation/formula? it went wrong?
– rray
went wrong I guess
– william martins
Your code seems to work fine, why do you think it went wrong? Which was the input and which was the output?
– Francisco