How to get the result value of divValue. result[2] in the mvc controller?


Viewed 43 times


                type: "GET",
                data: { cep: $("#txtCep").val() },
                success: function (result) {
                    $("#divValor").html("<label>Endereço:" + result[0] + "   Bairro:" + result[1] + "  Cidade:" + result[2] + "  Estado:" + result[3] + " </label>")

                error: function(xhr, exception){
                    alert("Favor digitar o CEP!")

        var Valor = document.getElementById('divValor.result[2]').innerHTML;
  • The script works correctly, I just can’t get the result of Array[2] for the Controller because I will do a search by client city. Excuse the question but I tried everything and nothing. Since thank you very much

  • Wouldn’t it just be, add in the date? Getting data: { cep: $("#txtCep").val(),divvalor: $('#divValor').text() }, or something like that?

1 answer


2 errors: First there is no div with id = divValor.result[2], This label is used for all values. Second mistake result[n] needs to be inside the function success: function (result)

var Valor;
                type: "GET",
                data: { cep: $("#txtCep").val() },
                success: function (result) {
                    $("#divValor").html("<label>Endereço:" + result[0] + "   Bairro:" + result[1] + "  Cidade:" + result[2] + "  Estado:" + result[3] + " </label>");
                    valor = result[2];

                error: function(xhr, exception){
                    alert("Favor digitar o CEP!")


  • Perfect Hudson, value gets the correct index, how can I now call the value in Controller? Thank you so much

  • It is already calling the get method, now if you want to send something to your controller you can use the post method

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