Remove data from within a String


Viewed 990 times


In java I am reading several lines of an HTML file and in it I have to remove some data and store in variables. And to remove this data I have to remove some tags and data that are within certain standards.

For example, to remove tags I use replaceAll("\\<.*?>", "");, but now I need to remove from String everything inside parentheses. I tried using the code replaceAll("\\(.*?)", "");, but it didn’t work out so well.

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2 answers


You have to "escape" the parenthesis, otherwise it is considered a group:

"Texto qualquer (texto)".replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", "")


The code below has been adapted of this answer and finds texts in parentheses (including parentheses:

String str = "Teste (Java)";
String parenteses = str.substring(str.indexOf("("), str.indexOf(")") + 1);

If you need to remove all string text (including parentheses), you can create a loop:

String str = "Teste (Java)";

while (str.indexOf("(") >= 0 && str.indexOf(")") >= 0) {
    String parenteses = str.substring(str.indexOf("("), str.indexOf(")") + 1);
    str = str.replaceAll(parenteses);

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